Your Simple Natural Remedy For Constipation

simple natural constipation remedy

Constipation is one of the worst experiences to have. The discomfort alone leaves you feeling irritable and helpless, especially if you’ve been fighting it for a while. Your constipation may simply mean there isn’t enough water in your system. However, prolonged constipation could be a result of something serious and you may have to consult a doctor for analysis.

If you’re looking to try out a simple natural remedy, start with these:

  • Drink at least eight glass of non-alcoholic, non-caffeinated drinks each day. Most importantly, water.
  • Exercise. Constipation is often caused by too little exercise.
  • Opt for foods rich in fiber such as corn and wheat, which are also easily accessible in our environment anyway. Broccoli, cabbage, berries, leafy greens, celery, squash, beans and mushrooms are all great sources.
  • Eat fruits such as oranges, plums, bananas and apples.


This article is meant to be a guide and must not be substituted for professional medical advice.