Why Giving Your Body Rest is Crucial

Will you provide answers to the following questions below? And be honest with yourself :

  1. What’s my view of my body?
  2. Do I give it the needed attention?

Going to the spa for frequent massages might not be possible for everyone. However, it is possible for everyone to make time, regardless of their schedule, for their bodies. And yes, I’m talking sleep! This is an area often overlooked when considering one’s well being, but it is also one of the most crucial determinants of how well a person’s day, for instance, goes.

You might be aware that getting adequate sleep boosts your mood, spurs creativity and lowers stress, among several other benefits. But does this mean anything to you?

This piece isn’t just to remind you of the essence of sleep, it is meant to challenge you to make time for your body in order to live a balanced life.  So what’s the challenge for you this weekend? Give your body 8 hours of sleep so that come Monday, you’ll be refreshed and ready to kick some butt, in a good way of course!