How to Stay Productive When Working From Home

Have you recently ventured into a solo business that requires working from home? Or perhaps your working arrangement accommodates getting on your computer from home? In recent times it has become a popular trend to work from home. To be honest, it’s nice to wear pajamas all day and relish the flexibility of not having to wake up early to beat the morning traffic.

While it is awesome to work from home, you run the risk of getting distracted easily. So, how do you remain focused with distractions like: your children, pets and your bed? Here are 5 ways to stay productive:

  1. Have a Schedule: It’s best to set up a routine so as to not find any excuse to slack off. Have a set time for breakfast and lunch. Make sure to stay on schedule.
  2. Boundaries: Keep your work space separate from your personal space. It is sometimes tempting to think you can work from your bed but all it will do is reduce your productivity. Be sure to decorate your work space so you look forward to working there
  3. Communication: Because you are working from home, you won’t be able to stop by a colleague’s desk to ask some questions. You can put it in your schedule to contact workmates so you stay up to date on what is happening in the office. This would also indirectly have your colleagues be your progress checker.
  4. Distractions: As much as possible keep distractions to a minimum. Do not spend hours creating a playlist – pick an album or a radio station and avoid making any changes for at least two hours. If you have children make sure to occupy them with tasks or have a relative come in to care for them while you work
  5. Breaks: It is important to take breaks at least every two hours. It gives your mind time to rest and come back to work with a fresh perspective to a challenge. Be sure to not let the breaks run for longer than 30 minutes.


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