How To Give Your Mind A Rest With Breathing

black woman sitting on a mat giving her mind a rest

Have you ever stopped to observe the rhythm of your mental activity? What about the times when your mind has worked faster than a whirlwind? From one situation to the next, it begins to take the shape of a tornado.  

If you catch yourself going through this often, it is about time you considered practicing one of the most simple yet powerful exercises ever – breathing. Take a long, deep breath in and slowly exhale. Repeat this as many times as you can within a 3-minute period while letting go of overwhelming thoughts. If you can walk into an open space with fresh air during this exercise, do so for added benefits.

Your mind is the powerhouse of reasoning and thoughts. Your perception, judgement and memories spring from this source, an apparent indication of its strength. If you are able to learn the art of controlling what your mind does and how it processes information, you’ll be able to eliminate unnecessary triggers of stress.

Give it a rest this week.